Sharks of the Corn leaves an impression that lasts forever (Decker Shado)

Are you ready to take an exhilarating ride through shark-infested fields of corn? Take a seat because "Sharks of the Corn" will provide you with a wild ride of horror as well as comedy. Created by the famous Tim Ritter, this ultra low-budget production draws inspiration from Stephen King's famous "Children of the Corn" (1984) and transforms it into a funny and weird mockumentary that will have you at a loss for words and rolling around on the floor with laughter.

In a Cornfield Carnival of Chaos

Beginning with the opening sequence in a cornfield that appears innocent "Sharks of the Corn" establishes the comedy of its characters. The film introduces Gary and Susan and Susan, two people who soon fade from the scene when the film drifts away in unexpected direction. The story blends horror components with lots of subplots. They create a fascinating mix that could be described as an open-air carnival full of craziness.

An Psychoopathic Shark Enthusiast

Enter Teddy Bo Lucas, a character who adds an extra degree of chaos to an existing story that is incredibly confusing. The shark-loving psychopath has an uncanny adoration for these creatures of the sea. In case sharks and cornfields were not already bizarre enough Teddy brings his love of sharks to a new height when there's a shocking crime inside his motel room. This surprising twist sets the stage for a wild ride in intrigue and skepticism.

Inconfusion Cults also known as Sharks

It gets even more complicated when the authorities pin the blame on Gary, a poor Gary to blame for Susan's killing, despite his lack of motive. A shark cult appears as a bizarre subplot, introducing us to a world where cornfields and people who worship sharks come together. At the point you believe that it's impossible to imagine anything more outrageous the two burglars who are bumbling decide in stealing a shark's puppy from this religion. The show is a mix of the absurd and hilarious that keep one on edge.

Critiques as well as Comic Relief

Although "Sharks of the Corn" is a truly unique and unorthodox film, it's not without its shortcomings. The film often switches between various characters and scenes that can cause viewers to be confused and struggling to follow the many plot lines. It's a conscious choice of stylistic design that adds to the spoof aspect of the film however, it might not be every person's cup of tea.

The production values in the film is intentionally low as is the acting, which falls into the category of unreliable. In the middle of subpar performances Steve Guynn shines through with his exemplary performance, performing his character and not performing dialogue. This is a rare example of acting that is authentic in a sea that is filled with overblown and sloppy performances.

Shark Puppets and Bonkers Plotlines

"Sharks of the Corn" enjoys the low-budget style of film with unpretentious effects that hold a certain glitz. Many of the sharks are hilariously performed by hand puppets, adding a touch of absurdity to the movie. This bizarre plotline, which revolves in a shark cult's plans to resurrect the shark goddess that is where the story is truly able to unleash its creative. It's just that, sometimes, this imagination results in a less entertaining viewer experience.

Amateurish Cinematography, Explosions Optional

A major area in which "Sharks of the Corn" lacks cinematography is its editing. The frame and the visuals come appear amateurish and lack quality and refinement that's typically seen at the top of popular horror films. Although it could be a deliberate choice to retain the budget-conscious aesthetic yet it does affect the overall quality of the viewing experience.

To conclude "Sharks of the Corn" will be a treat for anyone who hasn't had it before. It's a slow, boring sequence of events that can be confusing to get the hang of. A low production standard confusion in plotlines and questionable acting may turn off individuals seeking a more well-crafted horror comedy. For those who are interested in bad movies for entertainment "Sharks of the Corn" will not provide comedy that is expected.

Final Rating"Stock Footage Overlay" - One "Stock Footage Overlay" Out Five

Although the video itself is not of good quality, actor, sound and editing "Sharks of the Corn" will not be able to meet the quality. While it could be a riotously fun spoof film, the movie fails to give an immersive (blog post) and satisfying entertainment. As the reviewer, I leave you with a lighthearted note: films, much like corn, become more enjoyable when you include explosives. Unfortunately, "Sharks of the Corn" hasn't made the grade.

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